Saturday, May 4, 2013

Glass Half Full or Half Empty?

As my sophomore year of college comes to an end, A LOT of my friends are graduating. There are way too many to count on my fingers. I have gotten close to a lot of them these past two years, and I can guarantee tears will be shed at their graduation on Friday, May 10. I am going to miss my roommate, Amber, the most! She is such a great roommate and friend, I don’t know what I am going to do without her!

Two of my friends, Jeremy and Maxie are getting signed with the NFL St. Louis Rams! I am very happy for them! They’ve worked so hard to be where they are at now! I wish them the best of luck in life – they are going to do great! I think I might just become a fan just because of them!
Left to Right: Maxie and Jeremy

The following week, Amber and I plan on going on a 5-day cruise with my aunt and uncle since I am only 20-years-old, I have to have a parent or guardian that is 25 and older go with us. Which is fine with me because they love to spoil their nieces and nephews! We are keeping our fingers crossed hoping my parents let me go! It will be a much needed break before summer school! (Pictures coming soon)

After the cruise, Amber and I will be heading back to Arkansas. A few days later, my brother, Mark, and I will head to New Orleans for our cousin, Robin’s high school graduation, Tuesday, May 21! And after my brother and I will be heading back to Arkansas with other family members for my sister, Melissa’s graduation, Saturday, May 25! Man! There will be a lot of traveling for me! (Pictures coming soon)

After all that, it will be right on time for summer school! Along with summer school, I am hoping to be part of the Heart Start Staff to help incoming freshmen feel comfortable going to college!

I cannot say this enough, "I feel very blessed!"

1 comment:

  1. I admire your "glass half-full" outlook. Way to be positive!
